After a series of inquiries regarding reports of a man with a gun at Folsom’s BT Collins earlier in the day Monday, the Folsom Police Department issued a statement Monday evening clarifying that the incident appears to have been a hoax.


“We were asked about a report of a man carrying a handgun in BT Collins Park this morning (June 19, 2023). We did get a call at 7:24am, by a man saying he was suicidal and armed in the park,”  reads the statement.  “We negotiated with the man and we sent officers to the area and searched with UAS (unmanned air systems), but the park was clear.  We now believe the incident was a hoax and we are investigating it as a false call to police.”

Although the incident now appears to have been a false report, Folsom Police added that such a call always warrants a full response to protect the community and possibly a person in emotional distress.


“Public safety is our top priority, and we treat reports like this seriously to protect everyone, including someone who is potentially suicidal,” they said.

Folsom Police want to remind the public that anyone who is struggling with thoughts of suicide can call 988, the national suicide and crisis helpline.
